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Ready for our next community show?

Art & Frame of Sarasota announces a call to artists for a juried art exhibition.
Receiving: Monday August 11, 2014 11am-7:30pm

We are seeking original art works, created in the last 12 months that reflects our theme of: 
"All Things Florida"
Jurors: Elaine Charney & Brenda Hadjian

Over $500 in awards & prizes.  Awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & awards of merit.
This Show is open to all artists including amateurs, professionals, and students.
All Artwork will be shown here in the Hall Gallery at Saba Plaza.
All art is accepted and hung.
Any work on paper, canvas, collages, drawings, paintings, photography, prints, watercolors, and 3-dimensional art work.
No work can exceed 48"x 60" or weigh more than 20 pounds.
Your art must be ready to hang on standard picture hooks. Please make sure that your hanging system is secure. No string, tape or flimsy frames. Please contact our framing department with any questions.

Maximum two pieces of artwork per person. Entry fee: $20 per artwork.

Questions? Please contact Caryn or call 941-366-2301

Artwork received: Monday, Aug 11th - 11:00am-7:30pm

Opening Reception: Friday, Aug  15th - 7:00pm
Doors open at 7:00 pm Friday, August 15th, here at Art & Frame of Sarasota,
for Light refreshments, wine and cheese.
Awards will be at 8:00pm

Exhibition dates: Aug 15th - Oct 1st
Artwork pick-up: Wed, Oct 1st 9am-5 pm & Thurs, Oct 2nd 9am-5 pm
(No early pickups please)


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