Have You Heard About YUPO Paper? YUPO Paper (pronounced You-Po) is a unique synthetic paper, made in the USA, with a variety of applications. The paper, made from polypropylene pellets is completely tree-free, recyclable, and waterproof! Because it is essentially a plastic paper it is super-smooth, durable (it will not tear), and wipes clean easily. The neutral pH, acid free paper is great for acrylic painting, embossing, monotype, offset lithography, pencil/graphite, pen & ink, airbrushing, silkscreen, and watercolor. In fact, it is very popular with watercolor artists who want to try something new. The bright white, slick surface of the paper creates an interesting effect with translucent watercolors. Because the paper is waterproof, water evaporates into the air instead of soaking into the paper. The pigments do not soak in either, but sit on top of the paper. Colors pop on the bright white surface. Watercolor paints move easily on the smooth, slick surface and inter...